Is BOTRY-Zen® and BOTRY-Zen® WP certified as organic inputs?

Yes. Both products are certified organic by BioGro New Zealand as inputs into organic production: No 4405.
And they are both listed in the USA organics listings in OMRI Listed.

Is ARMOUR-Zen® an organic input?

No. Although ARMOUR-Zen® is a natural product, the active ingredient chitosan is not allowed to be used as an active ingredient in fungicides under the US organics system.
A petition to have ARMOUR-Zen listed as an organic input is pending.

Is MIDI-Zen® an organic input?

MIDI-Zen® is a natural product, but is not an organic input. An alternative formulation to fulfil organic certification is going through ACVM registration.

Does ARMOUR-Zen® kill Botrytis and Sclerotinia?

No. ARMOUR-Zen® is not fungicidal (killing the fungus) it is fungistatic (stopping disease progress). When on the plant material, in a concentrated form, ARMOUR-Zen® will stop the spores from germinating. As the concentration of ARMOUR-Zen® is diluted through rain and UV degradation, the pathogenic spores can germinate, Therefore after persistently wet conditions it is important to repeat applications of ARMOUR-Zen® after plant tissue has dried off.

How often should I apply BOTRY-Zen® or ARMOUR-Zen®?

Refer to the best practice information for individual crops.

Click here for BOTRY-Zen®

Click here for ARMOUR-Zen®.

How important are the two flowering applications of BOTRY-Zen® in grapes?

These are the most important applications for the season. Over flowering is when Botrytis can initially establish within the canopy by colonising the floral tissue. Later in the season when the bunches are closing and the berries are ripening, Botrytis can move from the floral tissue directly into the berries, infecting the bunch from the inside out. Because BOTRY-Zen® is a protectant it must be applied to the floral tissue prior to Botrytis germinating and being lifted from the soil and into the vine. This is so that it can colonise and then outcompete in these areas before, and faster than, Botrytis and exclude the disease from establishing.

Will BOTRY-Zen® work in a dry season?

It is important to apply BOTRY-Zen® over flowering even when the flowers are dry. This ensures that BOTRY-Zen® is on the floral tissue and ready to exclude Botrytis as soon as there is an infection period. BOTRY-Zen® will stay dormant and active within the canopy until the ideal conditions for Botrytis infection occur. In dry seasons in Marlborough we have found active BOTRY-Zen® spore on the floral debris at bunch closure that is able to out compete Botrytis when put under artificial infection conditions.

Why do you recommend leaf plucking in grapes?

Through the focus vineyard trials monitored by Plant and Food Research, there was a significant improvement in product performance when leaf plucking occurred prior to the flowering sprays. For a product, such as BOTRY-Zen®, which does not translocate within the plant, improving the coverage within the canopy maximizes disease control.

Is BOTRY-Zen® able to control:  Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa)?

BOTRY-Zen® was included in the product testing programme carried out by Kiwi Vine Health. BOTRY-Zen® then gained full registration for Psa.

BOTRY-Zen® was then updated on the Zespri spray programme and the KVH recommended list for Psa control.,

The BOTRY-Zen® I have is past the expiry date, can I still use it?

We would not expect the BOTRY-Zen® spores to be viable after the expiry date and therefore it will not fully protect your crop. BOTRY-Zen® WP however has a longer shelf life of 18 months.

Are your products available outside of New Zealand?

BOTRY-Zen® is available in the US (California, Oregon, Washington and Florida) under the trade name BotryStop. And can be purchased through BioWorks Inc. Check BioWorks Inc website which details Technical Representatives throughout the USA .

ARMOUR-Zen® is available in the USA (Florida, Washington) and can be purchased through Agrahort, Florida. Email them at