(Not available or registered in New Zealand)
This product is based on our Wettable Powder product and used as a foliar spray. The active ingredient in CAL-Zen is Ulocladium oudemansii. This fungi’s natural environment is in the humus layer of the soil. This is where dead and dying plant material is broken down by beneficial insects and microbes so that the plant is able to draw such nutrients from the soil surrounding the root system. This area aeound the root system of plants is called the Rhizosphere. This is where beneficial bacteria and fungi work together to provide the plant with valuable nutrients. In return the plant provides sugars for the microbes to be able to spread and multiply.
With out these microbes the plant barely survives and requires extra compost and added minerals to boast the natural environment. There are many chemicals, that when added to the soil, will reduce the numbers of microbes and in turn the plant suffers. CAL-Zen not only provides the plant with protection against disease but also adds microbes to the humus layer to enrich the soil community and bring the balance of fungi back to its natural balance.
This product is available to our international partners.