This dry product is used for seed treatment/dressing. The active ingredient in SEA-Zen is Ulocladium oudemansii. This fungi’s natural environment is in the humus layer of the soil. This is where dead and dying plant material is broken down by beneficial insects and microbes so that the plant is able to draw such nutrients from the soil surrounding the root system.
Along with these microbes in SEA-Zen, is a powdered seaweed rich with good levels of NPK adding much needed nutrients to the formulation. The combination of microorganisms and seaweed improve the delivery of nutrients to the seed and the development of the root system of the plant.
After the treated seed is planted into the soil, the microorganisms in the product will then activate when moisture is introduced. So poorly maintained soils, or growers wanting to bring their soils back to life, which are most likely devoid of beneficial microorganisms and nutrients, the addition of our seed treatment thus improves the necessary environment for plant growth.
By treating the seeds with our dry formulation product you are able to provide protection at a plants critical early development.
This is another tool for the proactive grower looking to produce plants in an optimal growing environment.
This is especially important when the agricultural industry is seeking new ways in tackling challenges such as enhancing productivity and sustainability.
Wild Kelp
So Why Natural Seed Treatments; Dry or Liquid; and When to Add.
Natural Seed treatments placed directly on the seed surface and provide that early impact at the point of planting, harnesses the power of beneficial microorganisms in improving various aspects of plant
growth throughout the plant’s lifecycle. It increases the chance of establishing a strong relationship between the seed and the microorganism.
The long-term benefits of a natural seed treatment, are:
1. Improved Root Growth. Strong roots are the foundation of resilient plants. Microorganisms help the plant extract nutrients and water from the soil more efficiently, resulting in a more
dense and extensive root system. These microorganisms protect the crop during the entire growing season, and for following seasons, if the soil and humus layer are looked after.
2. Increased Nutrient Uptake. Enhanced nutrient uptake is a vital advantage of natural seed treatments. Beneficial microbes work in harmony with the plant, unlocking essential
nutrients in the soil and making them more readily available to the plant. This increased nutrient availability ensures that the crop receives the nourishment it needs for optimal growth.
3. Enhanced root and shoot growth lead to an optimized early growth rate.
4. Enhanced Plant Vigour. A robust and vigourous plant is better equipped for success. Natural Seed treatments contribute to overall plant vitality acting as a biostimulant. Thus, stronger
crops are less susceptible to common threats.
5. Boosted Yields. When used effectively, natural seed treatments have the potential to significantly boost crop yields. By improving root growth, increased nutrient uptake and
enhanced plant vigour, growers can realise a substantial return on their investment.
The seaweed is added to our formulation to keep the number of microorganisms viable. Without food and moisture, the microorganisms will start to die off. So it is important where there are soils
with a reduced level of nutrients and microorganisms it has a product that has a high level of viable spores and an increased level of nutrients.
SEA-Zen is a dry natural seed treatment and so offers practical advantages over natural liquid seed treatments.
1. A dry product is more robust and doesn’t lose numbers of microorganisms during planting and processing.
2. The product has a longer shelf life than liquid types due to the inerts providing a stable form and reducing the chance of germination and the consequential short shelf life.
Their dry nature allows for easy application at various stages between seed coating and planting.
Selecting the right seed treatment method, however, depends on the growers existing equipment and needs to align with current practices of input application.
This can also be influenced by the crop type and environmental circumstances.
Methods of adding the seed treatment product are:
1. Added by your Seed Treatment/Dressing company. By contacting your contractor and stipulating that they add our product SEA-Zen during processing.
In this instance the addition needs to be close to when the seed is planted. This is due to the microorganism being alive.
Leaving the seed unplanted in store will kill off some of the living organisms. If the seed already has a fungicide mixed in with the seed, then this may also lose
some of the microorganisms.
2. Added at the farm in bulk containers. As above the addition of the natural seed treatment needs to be close to when the seed is planted.
This is due to the microorganism being alive. Leaving the seed unplanted in store will also lose some of the living organisms.
If the seed already has a fungicide mixed in with the seed, then this may also lose some of the microorganisms.
3. Added in the seeding hopper. Where you have naked seed, then adding a natural seed treatment into the seeding hopper is probably the best for this type of product.
Sprinkle and mix is the best form of addition of the product.
4. Added in furrow. Is also an additional way of adding a seed treatment, but probably for small scale planting. Some of the product may not coat the seed and would
depend on the method of adding the product and/or planting the seed.