NATURAL AND BIOLOGICAL fungicides from planting to harvest


Botry-Zen (2010) Ltd was established in
2010 to commercialise biological products
for the Horticulture Industry.
BOTRY-Zen, its first product (researched by Plant & Food ResearchNZ) became the first biological
product utilising a living organism to be manufactured and available in New Zealand, and possibly worldwide.
We manufacture natural and biological fungicides for the horticultural industry in Dunedin, and we supply that industry with natural alternatives that don’t leave toxic residues in crops.


welcome to the website of New Zealand’s top biological disease control products.
use as a registered product, or off-label, the result will be the same if you apply:
- when temperatures are consistently above 15 degrees c,
- when the weather is calm, not at the hottest part of the day,
-when plant tissue has dried off after a rain event,
- after spraying, rain isnt expected for several days.

get in touch with Farmlands, horticentre or pgg to get your order in for a botry-zen product, or check out your local garden centre.

you can trust our products, which are manufactured in
new zealand - so buy “nz made”.
when you buy “NZ made” you are helping to employ kiwis.



We stand for providing future generations of crop growers with new generation products to help combat plant disease. We are focussed in developing products that fit the mandate internationally and in this niche area we are passionately driven to succeed.

Back in 2001, we were given the task to commercialise one product for the wine Industry, and so BOTRY-Zen® was born. Two other products have since been added to the company portfolio, which gives us the opportunity to provide an integrated spray programme for the full growing season.

In 2007, the New Zealand Winegrowers Association launched an ambitious sustainability policy, which targeted seven key areas to focus on. That of biodiversity; soil, water and air; energy, chemicals, by-products, people, and business practices. Central to their sustainability policy was a commitment to keep improving as new research was undertaken and new technologies developed. They are actively involved in both these areas, with an ongoing leadership role in industry research and development projects.

In 2024 three more products were added to the Botry-Zen portfolio. One is an alternative to our wettable powder product so that it can be used for bee vectoring (a new dispensing system to use bees to vector biological products to target plants during flowering). A second product was certified as an organic input as a biological seed treatment. And the third as a bio-fertiliser, putting much needed organisms, minerals and nutrients back into soils.


01. Biodiversity

All of our products can be used year after year without the threat of diseases building up resistance. Growers work hard to find the right mix of products for their situation and our products can be easily integrated into a disease management programme to ensure disease control and reduce the chance of resistance forming to chemical products.

All of our products are residue free and have no affect on the taste of the produce or further processing such as wine making.

03. Chemicals

All of our products are manufactured from natural ingredients or GMO-free plant products. BOTRY-Zen, our lead product, is from Nature itself, and certified as an input for “Organic” growers.

Reducing the use of chemicals in our food and drink supply means healthier plants and soils. It also meets the growing demand for chemical free, environmentally conscious consumers.

All of our products have shown comparable performance to existing chemical products.

Using our products in an integrated spray programme growers are able to protect their crops right up to harvest, whilst reducing residues.

When using our products, livestock are able to be utilised for vineyard and orchard maintenance, without compromising the meat industry.

04. Soil, Water and Air

All of our products do not harm the healthy soil microbes that make up the soil ecosystem. This immense and complex living community influence plant growth. Soil organisms store nutrients within their body and thus prevent nutrient loss by leaching. Without soil organisms organic material would accumulate and litter the soil surface, and there would be no feed for plants.

When using all of our products, spray run-off, leached through the soil, will not harm water quality in the water table or surrounding water ways.

05. People

Due to the residue free nature of our range of products, consuming wine, fruit and vegetables protected with our products, reduces chemical residues being ingested and so improves the health of the consummer.

06. Business Practices

As all of our products are manufactured in New Zealand, there is less risk of supply disruptions.

All of our products are registered with New Zealand government agencies

Two of our products have been accepted, or are going through the process, with global regulatory authorities and their reporting structures.


“Sustainability begins at home”

Peter foster  |  operations manager


Global Product Availability

New Zealand

BOTRY-Zen® - early season spray applied at 10% and 80% flowering. BioGro certified.
MIDI-Zen® - mid season spray between bunch closure and veraison
ARMOUR-Zen® - late season spray with no withholding period
BOTRY-Zen® WP -  wettable powder formulation of BOTRY-Zen®. With a surfactant for ease of mixing. BioGro certified.
BOTRY-Zen® WP -  wettable powder formulation of BOTRY-Zen®. Withour a surfactant for use in Bee Vectoring. BioGro certified.
Ground Spread - a Byproduct of our processing of BOTRY-Zen®
POWDRE-Zen® (in registration Process) -applied at early signs of Powdery Mildew. Potential product as an organic certified input.
SEA-Zen - a biological seed treatment. Bio-Gro certified.
BIO-Zen - a biological fertiliser. Bio-Gro certified.


BOTRY-Zen® is registered in Korea, and we are now looking for interested parties to distribute our product.


Seeking Partnership

South africa

Winfield United working through registration and trialing.

central america

BioWorks developing partnerships throughout all of the countries in Central America.


Establishing a partnership with UPL


Establishing a partnership with Agrimix

United States of America

Available through BioWorks Inc, USA.

BotryStop® (the trade name in the USA for BOTRY-Zen®) is available in several states of the USA.
Contact: Julie Caulfield
Ph: (800) 877-9443 x304

Available through Dungeness Environmental Solutions, USA.
Contact: Joel Van Ornum
Ph: Toll Free Number 888-481-0326
ARMOUR-Zen® is registered in USA, New Hampshire, California Washington and Florida.


BotryStop® WP to be registered in Canada and will be available through BioWorks.

Ecuador, peru, costa rica, all caribbean countries, venezuela, guyana, suriname + french guiana

Available through Hebe SA

Ing. Beatriz Valencia
Telefono: +5933885165
Direc: Av. José Joaquin Orrantia y Av. Juan T. Marengo
Edf. 100 Business Plaza, Piso 8, Of. 801
Guayaquil- Ecuador

kenya and MENA

Bancella working through registration


Establishing a partnership with Zelagro.


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